Monday, February 18, 2019

Magnet and Magnetic line of force


Magnet and Magnetic line of force


To observe the magnetic field lines around current carrying conductor.


1.Magnetic effect of electric current is one of the major effects of electric current in use, without the applications of which we cannot have motors in the existing world.
2.A current carrying conductor creates a magnetic field around it, which can be comprehended by using magnetic lines of force or magnetic field lines.
3.The nature of the magnetic field lines around a straight current carrying conductor is concentric circles with centre at the axis of the conductor.
4.The strength of the magnetic field created depends on the current through the conductor.
5.The direction of the magnetic field lines of force around a conductor is given by the Maxwell’s right hand grip rule or the right handed corkscrew rule. Imagine that you are holding a current-carrying straight conductor in your right hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of current. Then your fingers will wrap around the conductor in the direction of the field lines of the magnetic field (See Fig.1). This is known as right hand thumb rule.
As performed in the real lab
A battery (12 V), a variable resistance (or a rheostat), an ammeter (0–5 A), a plug key, and a long straight thick copper wire.

1.Fix the cardboard and insert the wire through the center of cardboard such that it is normal to its plane.
2.Connect the wire with rheostat, ammeter, battery and plug key in series.
3.Sprinkle the iron filings uniformly on the cardboard.
4.Keep the variable of the rheostat at a fixed position and note the current through the ammeter.
5.Close the key and gently tap the cardboard.
6.Observe the pattern of the iron filings over the cardboard.
As performed in the simulator
1.Adjust the current flowing from the conductor and distance of the object from the conductor using the sliders from the Controls section.
2.Note the direction of the magnetic field and also the direction of current flowing through the conductor.
3.Also, note the magnetic field (B) acting on the object O.
4.Click on "Change Current Direction" checkbox, to change the direction of current.
5.Click on "Observations " tab below to view the observation.


1.You will observe that the magnetic field lines are formed in concentric circles around the current carrying conductor. These lines do not intersect each other and are equidistant from each other.2.The direction of the field is perpendicular to the conductor.3.The magnetic field (B) acting on the object O increases as the current flowing through it increases.4.The field increases as object O is closer to the conductor and decreases as it moves away from the conductor.5.The direction of magnetic field lines gets reversed if the direction of current is reversed.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

राष्ट्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा अभियान के तहत शैक्षिक क्षेत्र भ्रमण

शैक्षिक क्षेत्र भ्रमण के उद्देश्य :
Trip to Vigyan Dhham

1.विज्ञान और प्रोद्योगिकी के क्षत्रों की जानकारी लेना .

2.राष्ट्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा अभियान के तहत प्रस्तावित भ्रमण से विद्यार्थी वैज्ञानिक महत्व को जानेंगे और विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में उनकी रुचि बढ़ेगी।

3.इस भ्रमण से बच्चों का सर्वागीण विकास होगा

4.तकनिकी प्रदर्शन और सम्रेषण 

5.समूहों में कार्य निष्पादन करना


Sunday, February 3, 2019

सीख : राकेश जुगरान

Republic Day Celebration 2019

GLIMPSES OF MOMENTS OF Republic Day, flag hoisting ceremonies and parades by armed forces and school children are held in different parts of the country. The grandest and most important of these parades is held at Rajpath in New Delhi, which showcases a multi-hued image of the country's rich cultural heritage and military prowess.


राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस:
National VotersDay. In order to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process, Government of India has decided to celebrate January 25 every year as "National VotersDay"  It has been started from January 25, 2011 to mark Commission's foundation day.
The significance of National VotersDay is to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process. It is a day to celebrate the right to vote and vibrant democracy of India. The day was first celebrated in 2011 to mark Election Commission's Foundation Day.
Why is the National Voters' Day observed on January 25
25th January is celebrated as National Voters' Day throughout India every year. .........
The day aims at increasing the enrollment of voters, especially encourage participation of newly eligible young voters and ensure universal adult franchise.


Make your school’s brand for community members visible and live for society.

When people walk into your school, they should immediately see and feel the school’s culture. This can start with visuals like photographs of staff and students, quotes that represent the school’s beliefs about learning, student work on the walls, or even a mission statement clearly displayed. Create the sense that a family lives and works in the space by making hallway and classroom spaces visibly branded, warm, and engaging.
So our teachers and community had an meet and attempt towards the new space for student because they don't have the now to get fully engage for their routine classes as and when it happens in school.
out attempts are that when students and staff arrive at school, they should feel a sense of pride, ownership, and community.
I hope this will be an attempt of contribution by staff and PTA and every single student are contributing for the school development from their best assets. 

How can we hope our tree will survive?

How can we hope our tree will survive?

Trees respond LIKE to shrubs. Although the foliage on your prized trees might look terrible in these winter, trees must have leaves to survive. When a late season cold snap fries the foliage, new leaves will emerge to take their place. In the event tree branches suffer die back, you may cut back dead limbs to healthy growth to improve appearance.I am with the hope to keep on their life with by best feeder young minds of my school but same time its hope from the community join us to green the Eco system for our Earth.our hopes and hard toil makes the difference. As what happens in tree and plant.
In the stomata, or the pores in the leaves that allow the leaves to "breathe," wind helps to pull the water out of the pores. But because of the decrease in pressure cause by the liquid being sucked out of the pore, water gets pulled up the tubes in the tree (xylem). The mechanism is called "capillary action"
But will it happen if we do move forward.......
Trees go through a process similar to hibernation called dormancy, and that's what keeps them alive during the winter. ... The first part of dormancy is when trees lose their leaves. They don't make food in the winter, so they have no use for masses of leaves that would require energy to maintain.