Sunday, September 30, 2018


 Good personal hygiene habits include:
  • washing the body often. If possible, everybody should have a shower or a bath every day. However, there may be times when this is not possible, for example, when people are out camping or there is a shortage of water
  • If this happens, a swim or a wash all over the body with a wet sponge or cloth will do
  • cleaning the teeth at least once a day. Brushing the teeth after each meal is the best way of making sure that gum disease and tooth decay are avoided. It is very important to clean teeth after breakfast and immediately before going to bed
  • washing the hair with soap or shampoo at least once a week
  • washing hands with soap after going to the toilet
  • washing hands with soap before preparing and/or eating food. During normal daily activities, such as working and playing, disease-causing germs may get onto the hands and under the nails. If the germs are not washed off before preparing food or eating, they may get onto the food
  • changing into clean clothes. Dirty clothes should be washed with laundry soap before wearing them again
  • hanging clothes in the sun to dry. The sun's rays will kill some disease-causing germs and parasites
  • turning away from other people and covering the nose and mouth with a tissue or the hand when coughing or sneezing. If this is not done, droplets of liquid containing germs from the nose and mouth will be spread in the air and other people can breathe them in, or the droplets can get onto food


Saturday, September 29, 2018


It was the great time when the Head of the institution of SGRR Bhauwala Dehradun invited me as a resource person to share the Ideas on the integration of ICT in classroom teaching. I was accompanied by my school senior English Lecturer Mr. R S Chauhan for the more of interaction on the subjects and content related to the invitee. 
I did a presentation with SGRR BHUWALA DEHRADUN about the Integration of ICT in subject teaching and learning along with online courses like MOOCs at and demonstration about the courses and enrollment. It was the impact observed that the student and teachers were very much curious to go with the usage of technology and apps in the 21st century. mostly the participant was of the student of 12th science and their subjective teachers. 
     Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect. A closely related term is interconnectivity, which deals with the interactions of interactions within systems: combinations of many simple interactions can lead to surprising emergent phenomena. Interaction has different tailored meanings in various sciences. Changes can also involve interaction.

Casual examples of interaction outside science include:
  • Communication of any sort, for example, two or more people talking to each other, or communication among groups, organizations, nations or states: trade, migration, foreign relations, transportation,
  • The feedback during the operation of a machine such as a computer or a tool, for example, the interaction between a driver and the position of his or her car on the road: by steering the driver influences this position, by observation this information returns to the driver.

Demonstration effects are effects on the behavior of individuals caused by observation of the actions of others and their consequences. The term is particularly used in science and humanities to describe the fact that developments in one place will often act as a catalyst in another place.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Evaluation of cleaning and Management of class rooms

Children are well-known for leaving a mess and "forgetting" to pick up after themselves. Often times many of us find that they will clean up their mess, but only if we remind them to. Teachers spend a lot of time picking up scraps of paper off the floor, or finding books left in places where they shouldn't be. This precious time should be spent instructing students, but more often then less it usually falls on the teacher to clean up. To solve this issue and take back your teaching time, try passing some responsibility off to your students

A science fair experiment and exhibition

science fair experiment is generally a competition where contestants present their science project, results in the form of a report, display board, and/or models that they have created. Science fairs allow students in elementary, middle and high schools to compete in science and/or technology activities.[1]The main motive of a science fair is for students to answer a question or task, not from a textbook but found out themselves by conducting a range of experiments and ongoing research in the short amount of time allocated to them. In order that the questions or tasks spark a true interest in the student they should be able to have an interesting, eye catching project often portrayed on a display board.
Science fairs also provide a mechanism for students with intense interest in the sciences to be paired with mentors from nearby colleges and universities, so that they can access to instruction and equipment that the local schools can not provide.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The 21st century teacher should be able to :


1- Create and edit  digital audio
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Free Audio Tools for Teachers

2- Use Social bookmarking to share resources with and between learners
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
A List of Best Bookmarking Websites for Teachers

3- Use blogs and wikis to create online platforms for students
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Great Tools to Create Protected Blogs and Webpages for your Class

4- Exploit digital images for classroom use
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Web Tools to Edit Pictures without Installing any software
Tools to Convert Photos into Cartoons
5- Use video content to engage students
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Web Tools to Create Videos without Installing Any Software
6- Use infographics to visually stimulate students
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Tools for Creating Educational Posters and Infographics

7- Use Social networking sites to connect with colleagues and grow professionally
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
8- Create and deliver asynchronous presentations and training sessions
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Presentation Creation Tools for Teachers

9- Compile a digital e-portfolio for their own development
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Great Tools to Create Digital Portfolios 

10- be able to detect plagiarized works in students assignments
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Plagiarism Detector Tools for Teachers and Educators

11- Create screen capture videos and tutorials
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Some Very Good Screen Capture Tools for Teachers

12- Curate web content for classroom learning
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Great Tools for Web Curation

13- Use and provide students with task management tools to organize their work and plan their learning
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
A List of Great Task Management Tools for Educators

14- Use polling software to create a real-time survey in class
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
15 Free and Easy Poll/ Survey Tools for Teachers

15- Understand issues related to copyright and fair use of online materials
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Great Resources for Learning More about Copyright Issues

16- Use digital assessment tools to create quizzes
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Free Tools to Create and Administer Quizzes

17- Find and evaluate authentic web based content
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
A Great Rubric for Evaluating Web Content

18- Use digital tools for time management purposes
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Some Very Good Tools for Better Time Management

19- Use note taking tools to share interesting content with your students
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Good Apps for Note Taking

20- Use of online sticky notes to capture interesting ideas
Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :
Sticky Notes Apps for Teachers and Students


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Integration of ICT in class room

Integration of ICT in Class Room Teaching Learning Process

Many pupils consider ICT tools very helpful in that it helps them to do assignments teachers see that ICT enables students with special needs or difficulties. It also helps to reduce the social disparities between pupils, since they work in teams in order to achieve a given task. Students also assume responsibilities when they use ICT to organize their work through digital portfolios or projects.  In addition, the study showed that ICT has significant impact on teachers and teaching processes.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


In education, multimedia is used to produce computer-based training courses (popularly called CBTs) and reference books like encyclopedia and almanacs. A CBT lets the user go through a series of presentations, text about a particular topic, and associated illustrations in various information formats. Edutainment is the combination of education with entertainment, especially multimedia entertainment.
Learning theory in the past decade has expanded dramatically because of the introduction of multimedia. Several lines of research have evolved, e.g. cognitive load and multimedia learning.
From multimedia learning (MML) theory, David Roberts has developed a large group lecture practice using PowerPoint and based on the use of full-slide images in conjunction with a reduction of visible text (all text can be placed in the notes view’ section of PowerPoint).[7] The method has been applied and evaluated in 9 disciplines. In each experiment, students’ engagement and active learning has been approximately 66% greater, than with the same material being delivered using bullet points, text and speech, corroborating a range of theories presented by multimedia learning scholars like Sweller and Mayer.[8] The idea of media convergence is also becoming a major factor in education, particularly higher education. Defined as separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications) and video that now share resources and interact with each other, media convergence is rapidly changing the curriculum in universities all over the world.

Educational technology

Multimedia provides students with an alternate means of acquiring knowledge designed to enhance teaching and learning through various mediums and platforms. This technology allows students to learn at their own pace and gives teachers the ability to observe the individual needs of each student. The capacity for multimedia to be used in multi-disciplinary settings is structured around the idea of creating a hands-on learning environment through the use of technology [9]. Lessons can be tailored to the subject matter as well as be personalized to the students' varying levels of knowledge on the topic. Learning content can be managed through activities that utilize and take advantage of multimedia platforms[9]. This kind of learning encourages interactive communication between students and teachers and opens feedback channels, introducing an active learning process especially with the prevalence of new media and social media[10]. Technology has impacted multimedia as it is largely associated with the use of computers or other electronic devices and digital media due to its capabilities concerning research, communication, problem-solving through simulations and feedback opportunities.[11]

स्वच्छ भारत अभियानऔर स्कूल

स्वच्छ भारत अभियान भारत सरकार द्वारा आरंभ किया गया राष्ट्रीय स्तर का अभियान है जिसका उद्देश्य गलियों, सड़कों तथा अधोसंरचना को साफ-सुथरा करना है। यह अभियान महात्मा गाँधी के जन्मदिवस 02 अक्टूबर 2014 को आरंभ किया गया। राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी ने देश को गुलामी से मुक्त कराया, परन्तु 'स्वच्छ भारत' का उनका सपना पूरा नहीं हुआ। महात्मा गांधी ने अपने आसपास के लोगों को स्वच्छता बनाए रखने संबंधी शिक्षा प्रदान कर राष्ट्र को एक उत्कृष्ट संदेश दिया था।
 इस दौरान की जाने वाली गतिविधियों में शामिल हैं-

  • स्कूल कक्षाओं के दौरान प्रतिदिन बच्चों के साथ सफाई और स्वच्छता के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर SBAविशेष रूप से महात्मा गांधी की स्वच्छता और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य से जुड़ीं शिक्षाओं के संबंध में बात करें।
  • कक्षा, प्रयोगशाला और पुस्तकालयों आदि की सफाई करना।
  • स्कूल में स्थापित किसी भी मूर्ति या स्कूल की स्थापना करने वाले व्यक्ति के योगदान के बारे में बात करना और इस मूर्तियों की सफाई करना।
  • शौचालयों और पीने के पानी वाले क्षेत्रों की सफाई करना।
  • रसोई और सामान ग्रह की सफाई करना।
  • खेल के मैदान की सफाई करना
  • स्कूल बगीचों का रखरखाव और सफाई करना।
  • स्कूल भवनों का वार्षिक रखरखाव रंगाई एवं पुताई के साथ।
  • निबंध,वाद-विवाद, चित्रकला, सफाई और स्वच्छता पर प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन।
  • 'बाल मंत्रिमंडलों का निगरानी दल बनाना और सफाई अभियान की निगरानी करना।

इसके अलावा फिल्म शो, स्वच्छता पर निबंध / चित्रकारी और अन्य प्रतियोगिताएं, नाटकों आदि के आयोजन द्वारा स्वच्छता एवं अच्छे स्वास्थ्य का संदेश प्रसारित करना। मंत्रालय ने इसके अलावा स्कूल के छात्रों, शिक्षकों, अभिभावकों और समुदाय के सदस्यों को शामिल करते हुए सप्ताह में दो बार आधे घंटे सफाई अभियान शुरू करने का प्रस्ताव भी रखा है।


Live teschers classes and opinion for new education system

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


  1. Someone who studies a particular subject and knows a lot about it, especially a subject that is not scientific
  2. Someone is not a scholar or is no scholar, they have not studied much in their lives
  3. Someone who has been given a scholarship to study at a particular school or university.
  4. So WE do have proud that we have that kind of flavor in my school